This Travel UV Sanitizing Wand uses powerful Ultraviolet-C light to significantly reduce microscopic germs, mold and other health hazards. This compact cordless device sanitizes bedding, towels, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures and remote controls,
• For Bedding/Mattresses: Hold the UV-C Light Sanitizing Wand approximately 1-2 inches from the surface and gradually move the wand over the entire area. Allow the light to stay on each area for 5-10 seconds to ensure optimum exposure.
• For Personal Hygiene items (hair brushes, toothbrushes, jewelry, razors): Place items on a counter, away from water. Hold the UV-C Light Sanitizing Wand approximately 1-2 inches away from each object. Expose each object to the UV-C light for 10 seconds.
• For Kitchen Utensils: Place items on a counter, away from water. Hold the UV-C Light Sanitizing Wand approximately 2-3 inches away from each object. Expose each object to the UV-C light for 10 seconds.
• For Counters/Bathroom Fixtures: Hold the UV-C Light Sanitizing Wand 2-4 inches above the surface. Expose the counter/fixtures to the UV-C light for 10-20 seconds.
• Other uses (computer keyboards, telephone handsets, baby toys, etc.): Hold the UV-C Light Sanitizing Wand 2-4 inches above the surface. Expose the items to the UV-C light for 10-20 seconds.